Dear Siler,
I have heard that humans are the slowest mammals to develop and I beg to differ. You are only 7 months old but it seems like you are doing so much now.....sitting up, moving backwards on your belly, laughing, eating real food (sort-of), reaching for everything, rocking on your hands and knees, moving towards things that you want (sometimes). I realize that you would not survive left on your own in the wild but I think your accomplishments are happening quickly. You are ONLY 7 months old!
I haven't updated this in about a's been a little busy around here. Looks like we are moving to Berlin so I mostly pack and get stuff ready for the move. Hopefully once I get to Germany and it's cold and dark for a month or so I will get lots of blogging done, we'll see.

This past month you really solidified your sitting ability. We took a photo of you sitting on a stool, and while your dad was right there, you didn't even almost fall off! You can lean over and take your socks off and then fall over on your face and eventually get your legs out from under you and move around on your belly. You are great a turning toward things that you want but going forward is not where it's at for you. You have mastered pushing yourself backward and usually there is something interesting in that direction so it seems to suit you just fine. We have had to do some baby proofing, no more pennies and other small objects left on the floor. I have also stopped putting a quilt on the floor for you to play on. There is no point, you are off of it in I must vacuum. Daily. If there is dirt or leaves or who knows what on the floor that the dogs brought in you will put it in your mouth if you can.

You are eating real food now. When I say real food I mean liquidy real food. I thought that you would really love it but not so much. You don't seem to hate it, you let me keep putting spoonfuls in your mouth and you don't cry, but you shudder and make faces and and push what you can out with your tongue. You have had sweet potatoes, butternut squash and peas. Same reaction for all really. It's not replacing nursing at this point....
You continue to be super laid back. I can sit you down on the floor and you just play with toys. You love to sit in front of the mirror and talk to your self. Just yesterday you really enjoyed moving your fingers and checking that out. Pretty exciting stuff. I like to say that you are waving but that might be a stretch.
I'm afraid that when you start talking there is going to be no more silence, ever. I better start getting my creative juices flowing because I'm going to need to answer LOTS of questions. Hopefully I'll be able to provide satisfying answers. You love to make noises and experiment with tone and volume. You have had a bit of a runny nose and cough lately and that has led to a wide range of new noises that seem really thrill you.

I don't really feel the urge to get too sappy in these posts. It seems like a no-brainer that I think you are the most wonderful, smartest, cutest, coolest, best baby ever! Of course I love you more every day. Of course I feel soooo lucky that I am able to stay home with you and watch you grow. How can I not? Duh. But I will say that you continue to be such a wonderful part of my life. I still look at you and can't believe I get the honor of raising you and showing you the ropes. It's really cool. I know that I get less cool by the minute but I think that we'll still have some fun together, until you are about 13.....
I love you so much,