first photoshoot |
It's been a pretty exciting week here with Siler. She has started making noises at things now which is very exciting and she is getting better and better at it. She's not full on cooing yet, but we are getting close. I'm pretty excited about this as it is one of my favorite baby phases. I've tried to catch her on video but we are still working out her movie star contract....
you can tell that she likes Eva and Julia! |
She has also discovered her tongue and how much fun that is. You know she likes you when she looks at you and sticks her tongue out. Eye contact is really coming along now too!
I'm getting better at functioning with baby. She and I went to meet some friends for lunch....I got her there, unloaded her and her crap, changed her diaper in the restaurant bathroom, went to the bathroom myself, nursed her, ate lunch and had a conversation with friends - all without Parrish there!! Pretty huge in my book!
Daddy makes crazy faces.... |
We also had a fun photoshoot with the colonel (aka, grandaddy Waters) - she did a great job. I promise I will not often put her in frilly crap but these were old dresses of mine so......funny thing is we have photos of me at 2 months in the greenish dress and on her we could not button it......she's still a honker, I mean healthy!
first bottle with daddy! She did great, sucked it right down then spit most of it back up! |
Jahnimous is very helpful.....
hearing test - she passed! |
yay for Siler updates! love the pictures - I thought maybe PArrish had wired her up for some neuroscience experiment.Salem you ROCK for taking her out to eat all on your own. You are a natural Mama. Miss you and love you.Rock out Siler for taking the bottle!