You are three months old now(13 weeks this past thursday, but who's counting weeks anymore??) You are practically a grown-up now. You're neck is very strong, you love to look at your hands and toes, you love to stand up, you love people watching, you let us know when we are not paying enough attention to you, you have already finished reading your dads dissertation......the list just goes on.
You have grown out of this little co-sleeper now. You slept in here for the first two weeks in-between your dad and I. That got a little cramped so you moved to a place beside the bed and now you are just in the pack-n-play but not beside the bed anymore. I'm pretty excited about this recent move because your dad's side of the bed has been by a doorway and he takes his shoes off there every night and then I trip on them so now he can have the side of the bed where nobody walks! Now that you have a little more room in your bed you are moving around in your sleep a little more. You haven't done 180's yet but I'm sure it coming. This little bed was so great for traveling. I'm gonna miss it. You don't seem to care. You sleep wherever I put you down which is one of the great things about you.

You are a super happy baby. You cry when you are tired and often more than me holding and rocking you,you want to lay in bed and suck your thumb. Self-soother. Yet another great thing about you! Yesterday you tried to get both thumbs in your mouth at once. Thumbsucking is here to stay!
You are already a great and talented artist. Here you are making your first art project for Gammys birthday. Nice work kid! It was a little hard because you still want to ball your hands up and curl your toes but for a first project......great work (it only took 3 adults to make this thing! Your dad and I figured we could do it ourselves but the girl at the pottery studio kindly took over when we looked baffled.)
I finally got rid of all of the 0-3mo. clothes. You are in the 3-6mo. stuff now and I have this funny feeling that you won't be wearing them at 6 months. Call me crazy but you seem to be having a constant growing spurt.
I tell you every day how much I love you and how thankful I am that you are part of my life. I hope for you to be a very happy and healthy person and find joy in whatever you choose to do (within reason of course).
Love you so much,
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